When can I expect my order?
Our products are shipped directly from the supplier to you, meaning the average delivery time is between 12-15 days. Thanks to this unique business model, we save significantly on storage and transport costs. This allows us to offer our products at a lower price than the competition, while also covering the shipping costs.
The expected delivery time has passed, where is my order?
In almost 99% of cases, orders are delivered within the expected delivery time. However, sometimes an order may be delayed during the delivery process. If you have not received anything after 3 days of the expected delivery time, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Will I receive an order confirmation?
Certainly, after completing your order you will automatically receive an order confirmation by e-mail. Please keep an eye on your email for further updates regarding your order. Therefore, always verify that we have received the correct email address from you.
Can I return an item?
Returning products is possible. However, the costs for returning are at your expense. Consult your local post office for information on return costs.
For further questions regarding returns, please do not hesitate to contact us by completing the contact form.
What about my privacy?
We value your privacy and take all necessary measures to protect your personal information when you make a purchase on our website.